Sax on the Boardwalk (5/6)

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Saturday, January 31 2009:  Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA.  Kristen Spees plays her saxaphone on the boardwalk in Pacific Beach just before sunset on a warm Saturday afternoon.  Spees, (22) a law student from Oahu has become a regular fixture on the boardwalk at the bottom of Grand Ave near the main lifeguard tower.
Saturday, January 31 2009: Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, USA. Kristen Spees plays her saxaphone on the boardwalk in Pacific Beach just before sunset on a warm Saturday afternoon. Spees, (22) a law student from Oahu has become a regular fixture on the boardwalk at the bottom of Grand Ave near the main lifeguard tower.
Filename: 20090131_259.JPG