Touch Rugby at Highlands Park in Del Mar

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Saturday, 01/17/09:  San Diego, California, USA:  John Schleimer catches XXXX XXXX as team mate Carolyn Peterson looks on during a mixed game of touch rugby at Torrey Highlands Park in Del Mar.  An informal group of players meets every Saturday morning at 11am for games.  The sport of Touch Rugby is a fast paced, exciting version of the full contact game that is gaining popularity in San Diego.  As the name suggests, the "touch" version is not a full contact game.  Players are only allowed to make contact by hand with opposing players while they have possesion of the ball.  Possesion passes to the defending team after a score or if six "touches"  have been made while the attacking team moves the ball towards the goal line.  Pick-up games can be found most Saturdays in the Del Mar Park and on Sunday mornings at the beach in Del Mar or Sunday afternoons in South Mission Beach.
Saturday, 01/17/09: San Diego, California, USA: John Schleimer catches XXXX XXXX as team mate Carolyn Peterson looks on during a mixed game of touch rugby at Torrey Highlands Park in Del Mar. An informal group of players meets every Saturday morning at 11am for games. The sport of Touch Rugby is a fast paced, exciting version of the full contact game that is gaining popularity in San Diego. As the name suggests, the "touch" version is not a full contact game. Players are only...
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Filename: 20090117_097_touch.jpg