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Friday, May 2nd 2008.  Point Loma High School San Diego, CA, USA. Alex Dolphin, Sean Spratt and Logan Watson of the Point Loma High School Junior ROTC take aim with their air rifles during target practice at the firing range on the high school's campus.  The school board voted to ban target practice on campus, Tuesday, Feburary 10 2009.  Critics sited the murder of local MBHS student Hannah Podhorskey amongst three shootings of local high school students as one of the reasons that they feel the practice is unacceptable.
Friday, May 2nd 2008. Point Loma High School San Diego, CA, USA. Alex Dolphin, Sean Spratt and Logan Watson of the Point Loma High School Junior ROTC take aim with their air rifles during target practice at the firing range on the high school's campus. The school board voted to ban target practice on campus, Tuesday, Feburary 10 2009. Critics sited the murder of local MBHS student Hannah Podhorskey amongst three shootings of local high school students as one of the reasons that they feel...
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