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Vicky Bowman rides a bicycle equipped with a trash can at Garnet and Mission Blvd in Pacific Beach on the morning of July 5th, 2008.  Bowman along with Brie Cichy and Steve Kaelin (in background) were part of a group of volunteers who set out to collect trash from the beach after the big fourth of July holiday.  Volunteers and organisers of several beach clean-ups in the area were stunned by the lack of trash they found compared to what they are used to finding each year on July 5th after beachgoers leave.  The cleanliness of the beaches left many searching the side streets and alleys for trash to collect.  Most people are attributing the drastic change to the six-month old alcohol ban on the area beaches.
Vicky Bowman rides a bicycle equipped with a trash can at Garnet and Mission Blvd in Pacific Beach on the morning of July 5th, 2008. Bowman along with Brie Cichy and Steve Kaelin (in background) were part of a group of volunteers who set out to collect trash from the beach after the big fourth of July holiday. Volunteers and organisers of several beach clean-ups in the area were stunned by the lack of trash they found compared to what they are used to finding each year on July 5th after...
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